July 2015
Good Morning Everyone,
I wanted to take some time today to talk to you all about a very important issue in dentistry: Xerostomia. Xerostomia is the scientific term for dry mouth. This happens when the salivary glands that produce the saliva in your mouth are not functioning at their optimal capacity. Unfortunately we see this a lot in our practice. You might ask, what causes this and more importantly, why do I care? Well those are great questions!
The reason this is such a problem is because saliva plays an important role in protecting your teeth and gums. Having less saliva increases your risk for cavities, tooth sensitivities, fungal infections and bad breath. It is not uncommon for someone to go from having excellent check ups many years in a row to all of a sudden having 3 or 4 cavities all due to the change in the climate of their mouth from xerostomia.
Xerostomia has been attributed to medication use, smoking, mouth breathing (especially at night,) dehydration, and some medical treatment such as cancer radiation and chemotherapy. It could also be the result of a systemic disease. It is no wonder we are seeing cases of xerostomia more and more. Oral dryness is listed as a side effect of over 500 different drugs. To phrase that a different way, about 80% of the medications commonly prescribed and used OTC can cause oral dryness.
That is a lot of information to absorb but I do not want you to feel helpless. There are many things we can do to try to combat this common problem. To start with, treatment has to be tailored to each individual patient. A good place to begin is with the source of the dry mouth. A consultation with your primary care physician can help you to come up with the best medication regime for you to follow; as well as, make sure there are no further systemic problems that need to be addressed. Regular hygiene appointments are also recommended to stabilize your oral health and to come up with a good daily oral hygiene routine.
In terms of the symptoms, there is no clear consensus on the most effective ingredient/product for dry mouth. There will be a bit of trial and error involved here. Some common solutions include: sipping water throughout the day, using a humidifier at night, fluoride toothpastes and rinses, salivary stimulants, and sugar free gum that can help stimulate your own saliva production.
Xerostomia can be an uncomfortable condition, but it is something that can be managed with the help of your dentist and their team. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.
Have a great day,
Dr. Omene